for Athletes

BUILT Brands is passionate about the opportunities that NIL has made available for athletes. The “BUILT for Athletes” partnership program works together with colleges to provide teams and athletic departments with financial sponsorships and access to nutritional protein bars that are unlike any other of its kind.

BUILT fights for teams, and more specifically, BUILT fights for walk-ons. The “BUILT for Athletes” program provides walk-on athletes with resources that allow them to play the sport they love without the associated financial stress that comes with being a walk-on.

The “BUILT for Athletes” program works hand-in-hand with athletic departments to build personalized programs that meet the teams’ and athletes’ unique and important needs.

"College sports, for me and I think for so many people, is about the team," said CEO, Nick Greer. "If you raise the game of the walk-on, you're going to raise the game of everyone else around them. We can go make them better team members, better providers, better leaders. That's what this is about."

BUILT has created the most meaningful innovation in the protein bar space in years. The nothing-else-like-it taste provides the ultimate snack and performance enhancing experience by delivering convenient and tasty nutrition.

BUILT’s protein bars are used before, during, and after workouts to enhance performance, aid in recovery, and fuel athletes with sustainable energy that allows them to perform at their top level.


NIL Sponsorships for Walk-on Athletes

Student-athlete walk-ons frequently juggle more than their busy schedules can handle. We help walk-ons by easing some of the financial burdens they face, while simultaneously empowering them to keep fighting for their dreams.

Walk-on Fund &
School Discount Code

Our walk-on fund is a pipeline that keeps on giving back to the school. Each school receives a discount code that can be used by fans and students for discounted products. Built then donates a portion of all sales made with the school code, back into a designated fund that can be used for additional walk-on scholarships.

BUILT Brands is working to feed 1 million kids in 2022. We use our athletes and schools to help us accomplish this goal through supporting different service opportunities in the community.

“BUILT for Good"
Service Opportunities

Built Protein Bars

BUILT’s protein bars are unique in taste and texture, but more importantly for athletes, unique in nutrition. This low sugar, high protein bar helps athletes prepare, perform, and recover from competition unlike any other bar in the market.



We Care About Athlete Health

High Protein
Low Sugar
Real Chocolate
High Quality Ingredients
Satisfying Texture
Collagen and Why Protein